SEO & SEM Solutions for SaaS

Grow your pipeline.

Uproer works with SaaS companies as a trusted agency partner, delivering outcome-driven search strategy.

Our Total Search Approach

Organic & paid results are nearly indistinguishable to your customer. So, why are you managing them separately?

We unify organic & paid search under one strategy, one team. Escape the siloed approach that ultimately slows you down and costs you more. Book a call with us, we’d love to tell you more.

Why SaaS Companies Love Uproer

We integrate with your growth marketing team

We look for long-term, collaborative partnerships because those relationships allow us to drive the best results. Our team operates as an extension of yours.

  • Coordinated project management in Asana
  • Bi-weekly meetings and a shared Slack channel
  • Always-on reporting

We focus on your bottom line

Our SaaS search strategies, honed with years of industry experience, are designed to drive growth against your business outcomes. Stop optimizing to fluff metrics and work with a team that is focused on your bottom line.

  • Outcome-driven strategy development
  • Performance forecasting
  • Measurable ROI

We’re not just SaaS search experts, we’re your trusted growth advisors

Your broader business & marketing strategies impact your SEO & SEM performance in more ways than you know. Our conversations extend beyond the world of search so that we’re equipped to help you drive meaningful growth.

  • In-depth onboarding
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Resource planning & support

“Uproer is undoubtedly the most knowledgeable and experienced search marketing team I’ve encountered.”

“Uproer is undoubtedly the most knowledgeable and experienced search marketing team I’ve encountered.”

What We Do

We help great SaaS companies get found.

Outcome-Driven Strategy

Stop doing random acts of SEO & SEM. We build plans that prioritize opportunities by their business impact. So, you can be confident that our efforts are increasing your market share, earning you high-quality leads and generating undeniable ROI.

  • Competitive analysis, keyword research and in-depth auditing
  • Performance forecasting to size-up opportunities
  • Always-on reporting & data-driven insights

High-Impact Consulting + Execution

As your growth advisors, our focus is on driving real business value through SEO & SEM. That’s why we work to continually optimize our collective efforts towards a higher return. Along the way, we’ll be in lockstep as to who is doing what and why.

  • Transparent executional roadmaps
  • Resource planning
  • Technical & on-page SEO execution
  • Complete ad campaign management

Content that Fuels User Acquisition

Tired of chasing keywords while SQLs suffer? We develop content that meets users in the procurement process; aiding their research, addressing pain points, and comparing solutions to get them in your pipeline.

  • Product-led content strategy
  • Content workflow management
  • Expert copywriters & editors


We Increased Leads by 60% Across SEO & SEM

Cohley, a SaaS company at the forefront of connected digital, came to Uproer in need of a search strategy that would capture the attention of consumer brands. See how holistic search become a major driver of traffic & new customers for Cohley.

How We Build High-Performing Partnerships

1-month commitment

Strategy Development Phase

We prove our value before you commit to hiring us on retainer. We begin our work together with a 1-month strategy development project. It’s our chance to show you what we can do and to earn your buy-in. Then, with the strategy in hand, you can be confident in your decision to partner with us long-term.

Annual commitment with 60-day terms

Ongoing Retainer

Driving ROI and cultivating a trusted partnership is our client retention strategy. Not long-term contracts. We work collaboratively, relying on strong communication and transparency, so that you understand what we’re doing and why.


We’re transparent with our pricing, like we are with everything else. We’d love to chat with you about the return you can expect from this investment. Get started with a 30-minute introductory call.

Total Search Retainer

For SaaS companies wanting high-growth, holistic SEO & SEM

Starting at



6-Month Commitment

Single-Channel Retainer

For SaaS companies wanting
high-growth SEO or SEM

Starting at



6-Month Commitment

Content Production Add-On

For SaaS companies wanting conversion-driving content

Starting at



Retainer Required

“The value that they have driven in both the paid side of things as well as the organic has been really invaluable for us.”

Some Of Our Best

griffin roer

Griffin Roer

Founder & CEO
dave sewich

Dave Sewich

Sr. Manager, SEO & Operations
skye sonnega

Skye Sonnega

Manager, SEO
tatiana hasbargen

Tatiana Hasbargen

Manager, Paid Search

Frequently Asked Questions

These are list of questions that come up most often. If you’re not seeing what you need, please reach out. Our friendly team will be quick to answer any questions you have.

All client engagements are led by at least one senior member of our team who gets involved as early as the proposal stage. They are supported by 1 to 3 Analysts who keep tasks humming. So, the faces you see in the sales process are going to be some of the same people you work with once you come on board.

It’s also worth mentioning that we do not have dedicated account or project managers who sit between the clients and the subject matter experts who are responsible for the work. Instead, our clients work directly with the people who are setting the strategy and executing it. In this structure, we find that communication is more effective and the work gets done faster.

Onboarding is a critical step in our 1-month Strategy Development phase and where we ask for your active participation. We’ll ask you to come to the onboarding meeting prepared share your goals, bring us up to speed on past performance, educate us on your audience & competition, enlighten us as to the challenges you’ve faced in search marketing, among other discussion topics. We have have interest in scheduling follow-up conversations with other stakeholders in your organization that we’ll ask you to help coordinate. There will also be practical requests like gaining access to your media and measurement accounts.

Mid-way through the Strategy Development phase, we’ll schedule a check-in meeting. You won’t need to prepare anything ahead of time. This meeting is our opportunity to share our initial findings and strategic direction. We’ll be interested in getting your feedback so we can focus our efforts in the right areas for the remainder of the project. Our final meeting during the Strategy Development phase will be the presentation meeting.

Throughout the project, questions may come up that we’ll compile and send your way. We ask that you be prompt in your reply so that we can stick to the 1-month timeline.

As we move out of the Strategy Development phase and into our ongoing retainer, we’ll schedule bi-weekly, 30-minute meetings. Our objectives for these meetings is to build two-way accountability to keep tasks on track, share data-driven insights that may influence us to pivot our strategy, and to keep all parties aligned on our strategic priorities.

Here’s how our time is spent in a typical 30-minute meeting:

  • 5 Minutes: Get business updates from client
  • 5 Minutes: Share performance insights
  • 15 Minutes: Discuss in-flight strategic initiatives and recent learnings that may influence a course adjustment 
  • 3 Minutes: Align on in-progress and upcoming tasks

Results, of course, vary by industry and where you’re starting from. We most often see significant results against our primary KPIs in the 3- to 6-month range. At this point, the progress we’ve made against our strategic initiatives has had time to take hold and produce measurable results.

There are search-specific factors that may affect that near-term timeline that are beyond any agency’s control. Like, search engine algorithm updates impacting SEO performance or learning periods impacting SEM performance. Our strategies are intended to drive long-term, sustainable performance so any short-term obstacles end up being blips along our path to growth.

No. We stay true to our niche in search marketing. In all of our engagements, we work in close coordination with our clients’ internal or external design & development resources. If today you don’t have reliable resources in those areas, we can recommend fantastic partners that we’ve had experience working with.

From the time our contract is signed, we can usually get kicked off within 2 to 3 weeks. We’ll be sure to bring a proposed start date to our proposal meeting so you know how soon we can begin our work together.

The Strategy Development phase, our first month working together, is under its own SOW. Signing on for that project does not obligate you to work with us beyond it. The Strategy Development phase is your opportunity to receive a clear strategy and gauge how well we work together before committing to an ongoing engagement.

Under our ongoing retainer, we ask for an annual commitment with 60 day terms. This is to make sure we’re working with clients who are committed to driving long-term SEO & SEM growth.

Founder & CEO

Griffin Roer

Griffin discovered SEO in 2012 during a self-taught web development course and hasn’t looked back. After years of working as an SEO consultant to some of the country’s largest retail and tech brands, Griffin pursued his entrepreneurial calling of starting an agency in May of 2017.

Outside of work, Griffin enjoys going to concerts and spending time with his wife, two kids, and four pets.

Griffin’s DiSC style is D. He’s driven to set and achieve goals quickly, which helps explain why he’s built his career in the fast-paced agency business. Griffin’s most valuable contributions to the workplace include his motivation to make progress, his tendency towards bold action, and his willingness to challenge assumptions.

Sr. Manager, SEO & Operations

Dave Sewich

dave sewich

Dave made an accidental foray into digital marketing after graduating from the University of Minnesota Duluth and hasn’t looked back. Having spent the first part of his marketing journey brand-side, he now works with the Uproer team to help clients realize their goals through the lens of search.

When not at work, you’ll find Dave staying active and living a healthy lifestyle, listening to podcasts, and enjoying live music. A Minnesotan born and raised, his favorite sport is hockey and he still finds time to skate once in a while.

Dave’s DiSC style is C. He enjoys getting things done deliberately and systematically without sacrificing speed and efficiency. When it comes to evaluating new ideas and plans, he prefers to take a logical approach, always sprinkling on a bit of healthy skepticism for good measure. At work, Dave’s happiest when he has a chance to dive deep into a single project for hours at a time. He loves contributing to Uproer and being a part of a supportive team but is most productive when working solo.

Manager, SEO

Skye Sonnega

skye sonnega

Skye got her start in SEO and digital marketing while interning for a sustainable bamboo toilet paper company during the toilet paper shortage of 2020. Skye is from Northfield, MN, and graduated from St. Olaf College in 2021. At Uproer, she pioneered the SEO Analyst + Copywriter position and is the company’s first internal copywriter.

Outside of work, Skye enjoys painting, drawing, making curated Spotify playlists, and anything that involves snow and a pair of skis.

Skye’s DiSC style is S, and she’s also a Virgo, ENFJ! Skye is energized by collaboration and harmonious team environments. Her empathetic work style shows through making an effort to help everyone feel heard and included. She’ll have your back if you need extra support on a project and finds joy in creating helpful systems and procedures for both internal and client-related projects. Skye is motivated by taking action, and once a project is in place, she’ll see it through to the end.

Manager, Paid Search

Tatiana Hasbargen

tatiana hasbargen

Tatiana was exposed to search marketing in college and quickly became interested in Paid Search. Uproer caught her interest as an agency that gives each client the same priority and creativity needed to develop a cohesive strategy.

When she’s not wearing her marketing hat, Tatiana loves to spend as much time as she can outside. In the winter, she enjoys walking, snowboarding, snowshoeing, and reading as much as possible.

Tatiana’s DiSC style is CD. Her approach to life and work boils down to a good balance of logical, rational problem-solving, honesty, and skepticism. She’s not afraid to take on a challenge or challenge the status quo. Especially if it means generating better results and improving efficiencies. While she loves to take deep dives into projects alone, she is energized by working with and supporting others however she can.