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How We Gain Valuable Insights From Stakeholder Interviews

Stakeholder interviews are a crucial part of our strategy design process at Uproer, as they help us understand the needs, motivations, and goals of the people we will be partnering with for the foreseeable future. Stakeholder interviews should be conducted as early as possible in the strategy development phase to

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Best of Uproer 2022 + 2023 Predictions

This month's Searchlite intro written by Sr. SEO Analyst, Skye Sonnega Happy New Year! We hope your holiday season was filled with some time away from the computer with family and friends. Mine was spent enjoying the new snow on the ski hills and eating too many of my mom's holiday

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How We Document & Apply Content Feedback

The process of documenting and applying feedback is a core part of a content strategy. The more complex a content workflow becomes, the more likely it is that feedback gets lost in the process. If feedback isn't applied, this can lead to inconsistencies across articles and confusion among writers and

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Our Guide to Vetting & Hiring Killer Copywriters

If your blog conversions are consistently down, there are a million things you could dig into. Was there an algorithm update that caused your top-performing blog to drop in search results? Are you publishing topics that miss your audience’s search intent? Is there a new competitor dominating the SERP? The

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We Trialed a 4-Day Work Week & the Results Surprised Us

The COVID pandemic has forced many people to rethink accepted workplace policies. The 5-day, 40-hour work week is no exception. As more companies experiment with shorter work weeks, intriguing data is emerging that points to the productivity and stress benefits of working fewer hours. As an agile company that prioritizes

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Is Google Getting Better at JS Rendering + More News

This month's Searchlite intro written by Sr. Paid Search Analyst, Tatiana Hasbargen.   Hey, hi, hello! Happy Holidays! We hope you all are taking some much-deserved time for yourselves this holiday season. I don’t know about you, but I am so stoked about winter. For every storm that’s predicted my fingers and

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Sr. Manager, SEO & Operations

Dave Sewich

dave sewich

Dave made an accidental foray into digital marketing after graduating from the University of Minnesota Duluth and hasn’t looked back. Having spent the first part of his marketing journey brand-side, he now works with the Uproer team to help clients realize their goals through the lens of search.

When not at work, you’ll find Dave staying active and living a healthy lifestyle, listening to podcasts, and enjoying live music. A Minnesotan born and raised, his favorite sport is hockey and he still finds time to skate once in a while.

Dave’s DiSC style is C. He enjoys getting things done deliberately and systematically without sacrificing speed and efficiency. When it comes to evaluating new ideas and plans, he prefers to take a logical approach, always sprinkling on a bit of healthy skepticism for good measure. At work, Dave’s happiest when he has a chance to dive deep into a single project for hours at a time. He loves contributing to Uproer and being a part of a supportive team but is most productive when working solo.

Founder & CEO

Griffin Roer

Griffin discovered SEO in 2012 during a self-taught web development course and hasn’t looked back. After years of working as an SEO consultant to some of the country’s largest retail and tech brands, Griffin pursued his entrepreneurial calling of starting an agency in May of 2017.

Outside of work, Griffin enjoys going to concerts and spending time with his wife, two kids, and four pets.

Griffin’s DiSC style is D. He’s driven to set and achieve goals quickly, which helps explain why he’s built his career in the fast-paced agency business. Griffin’s most valuable contributions to the workplace include his motivation to make progress, his tendency towards bold action, and his willingness to challenge assumptions.